Evolving In Vitro | 2020
Industrial Design + Photography + CAD + 3D printing
We usually find it hard to believe predictions of the future, not to mention a vision asking to change the system of worldwide food production.
It sounds almost insane to think that one day, we will not have to kill animals in order to be able to eat.
However, the project deals with the consumption of tomorrow’s proteins and presents a scenario that incorporates technology woven into cultural baggage.

‘Cultured Meat’ is a new field that is emerging as part of the Cellular Agriculture Revolution. The purpose of this field is to manufacture animal-based food in a cleaner and a more moral way.
My project was conceived out of the growing demand for a new identity for this developing industry - the ‘Cultured Meat’ industry - while maintaining a balance between both the natural and the artificial worlds.

The challenge
The cultured meat industry is an innovative field that works on producing food in a cleaner and more moral way. At the same time, it works on creating processed products which in my opinion only increases the gap between the two worlds: the natural and the artificial. The field of cultured meat is a new, dynamic field that is evolving. In its current stage, it is lacking an identity.
Target audiance
Cultured Meat industry
Research and development
Cultured Meat industry
The design of the new meat started with research on the cultured meat industry by interviewing major figures in this field which let me understand better what companies are dealing with.
* Technology
* Regulations
* Competitive Analysis
A generation that has a collective memory regarding eating meat.
But yet, this generation is aware of the destructive consequences that come with the actions of eating meat.
* Meat as a product
* How it is consume
* Rituals
* Habbits
1. Identifying four different meat archetypes, part of our Collective Memory
Each protein provides a different eating experience for different meal characteristics
the Shrimp, the Bone Marrow, the Ribs, and the Fish

2. Point out cultural and functional values
The ribs are one chunk assembled from multiple units joined together and made to be shared
The meat that remains on the rib is difficult to cut from the bone, so the bone is held with the fingers of one hand while the meat is eaten
Bone marrow
represents ancient times, it irevels sensory eating experience.

The inner structure functions as straw

An appetizer. One bite that you can eat using the sealed handle which remains bare.
Denaturation appears and indicates if the food is ready or not.

* Symmetric biology allowing two people to share by “filleting” the fish
* The main skeleton "leave a mark" ant strong taste on the fsh
Visual Identity | Look & Feel

The Result
Four different proteins, each one referring to a particular animal flesh that was eaten along with the human culinary evolution, up until these days:

The new proteins are envisioned to be sold next to slaughtered animal meat and to remain in this position for a while before completely replacing it.
The meat is grown on a porous scaffold which is manufactured using 3D printing technology.
By using 3D printing I am able to control the design and architecture of the porous that are necessary for the stem's growing process, as well as to determine the 3D shape of the final product.
The new proteins are aimed at the middle generation. A generation that is used to eating chicken off the bone, separating fishbone from the fish, and most important - a generation that is aware of the destructive consequences that come with these actions.